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downto                   Allows FOR Loops to Count Backward

 for <index> := <start> downto <finish> do

    The DOWNTO keyword is used when you want the index variable (<index>)
    in a FOR loop to be decremented (going from a high to a low value). If
    <start> is less than <finish>, then <statement> is never executed.

            <index>   Any declared ordinal (Integer, Char, Boolean,
                      enumerated) variable.

   <start>,<finish>   Any expression of the same type as <index>.

        <statement>   Any legal statement; for multiple statements, use a
                      compound statement.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           for I := 25 downto 17 do

           for Ch := 'Z' downto 'A' do

See Also: for to begin
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson